Text Animation Tool For Fusion (Part 5)

Here are the latest enhancements to the tool I am writing to Fusion. (The original post: http://blog.spacelanders.com/en/2016/09/01/texts-animation-tool-for-fusion/)

The features I added:
– Random text generation for quickly creating lines stacks or to generate random names. This feature is controlled by a pattern that lets you tell the program what type of letter you want and where it is located in the word.
– Write lines apparition either letter by letter, word by word with the possibility of parsing symbols/letters that serve as guidelines to separate words.

Some of the new features:

I implemented all the features I wanted. Now I’ll clean the tool of all unused lines and optimize if possible but the tool is already pretty fast.

I designed this tool to make it as versatile as possible. So you can give your own words to the tool to compose the random sentences.
But you can also combine different functions for complex sentences. You will know more in the presentation video that I will post soon.

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